The name of this "element" is "device_tracker.life360". Life360 is a location tracking platform tailored to families that easily integrates with SmartThings and Home Assistant and is probably the next best choice to Nmap and Owntracks, though location updates aren’t fast enough for automations that unlock the door. ). I lose some fidelity with this solution in that I don’t know who was the last to leave or arrive, but for most of my presence based automation (at least the big ones) I don’t care. From the configuration menu select: Integrations. You could even remove the scripts process I am using and update the sensor directly using the API, but you do lose some reusability. To add a person in home assistant you navigate to Configuration –> Persons. Opensource Home automation server – tick; Runs on a Raspberry Pi – tick; Has prebuilt integrations for blink, life360, Hue etc – tick; I did have the fan connected but it made too much noise!! That email and password is what you’re going to use in your Home Assistant configuration to … In some cases status was not updated for more than an hour. Solved. “Driving” determined strictly by Life360. A great place to find popular configurations is on this GitHub search for repositories with the home-assistant-config topic. Either way, I hope what follows is an easier process. The free plan allows you two locations, which for this purpose was perfect. If you would like to set any advanced options, see the following section. It can also automatically create Home Assistant zones based on Life360 Places. Home Assistant knows pretty quickly when we have all left and when we arrive allowing me to leverage Home Assistant as a fully automated security system. It does not appear that Life360 officially supports its REST API for use with other than its own apps. This is a list of the most popular blueprints in the Blueprint Exchange category on the forums. Since the definitions of these areas can be different, this can lead to a disagreement between Home Assistant and Life360 as to whether or not you’re “Home.” To avoid this, make sure these two areas are defined the same – i.e., same location and radius. Then when Home Assistant starts the details of all the Places defined in the included Circles will be written to home-assistant.log in a format that can be copied into your configuration under zone:. When a particular type of communication error happens on consecutive update cycles, it will not be logged until the number of occurrences reaches these thresholds. Home Assistant & Life360 28 августа 2019, 13:43 Если вы уже читаете эту статью значит вы уже знаете что такое Малинка (Raspberry Pi), Home Assistant (далее ХА), … Only two consecutive communication errors of a particular type will be logged as an ERROR, after which it will no longer be logged until it stops occurring and then happens again. Be sure to follow my blog at, details are over on the home assistant forum, extension Reactive: What is that? MPH or KPH, depending on Home Assistant’s unit system configuration. All (1771) Featured Added in: If device is not in a Home Assistant zone, it is determined to be driving (see attribute of same name) and driving is specified, the state of entity will be set to driving. (See next section.). Include all Members from all included Circles. The solution I came up with uses IFTTT to set a family status MQTT topic to home or away, and then use that topic to fire my automations. In the Life360 app, Location Sharing should be enabled. Configuring a device_tracker platform. Google Assistant is a voice-activated virtual assistant developed by Google that is available on Android, iOS, Smart Speakers, and Smart Displays. This can happen by querying your wireless router or by having applications push location info. If you are using smartthings to mqtt bridge then you can stop here. Or watching automations, that should happen only after you leave, happen like you are not actually sitting in your house. The next step is setup a sensor in Home Assistant to hold this new presence. If specified and Life360 does not provide an update for a member within that maximum time window, an event named life360_update_overdue will be fired with the entity_id of the corresponding member’s device_tracker entity. They are not able to be set from the UI. The Life360 integration was introduced in Home Assistant 0.95, Git Ready: A Git Cheatsheet of Commands You Might Need Daily. ), Estimated speed of device (in MPH or KPH depending on Home Assistant’s unit system configuration.). Alternatively, place a copy of: "Home Assistant Config folder\custom_components\sensor \" folder Copy corresponding Life360 Package frommy repo, and make sure you have MQTT installed and Configured Adding Life360 to your Home Assistant instance can be done via the user interface, by taking the following steps: Browse to your Home Assistant instance. ... My wife wants them to turn off at 11pm, but there are occasions when I travel that I get home after 11pm and would like them to turn on when I … Therefore, an optional filtering mechanism has been implemented to prevent inconsequential communication errors from filling the log, while still logging unusual error activity. (Units unknown. Once an update does come, an event named life360_update_restored will be fired with the entity_id of the corresponding member’s device_tracker entity and another data item named wait that will indicate the amount of time spent waiting for the update. The resulting device_tracker entities will actually only be updated when the Life360 server provides new location information for each member. This defines how often the Life360 server will be queried (in seconds.) If device is not in a zone, it is determined to be moving and moving is specified, then state of entity will be set to moving. To find your family, you can use Google Location Sharing or a third-party provider, like Life360. Home Assistant by declaring (visually or with YAML) the OwnTracks integration, will create an OwnTracks Webhook server to receive the information securely via HTTP. Also, Life360 normally considers your device “Home” when it enters the Place that coincides with your home. However, you must use their full names here. First step is enter the the url of your Home Assistant Instance. Low battery level detection & notification for all battery sensors. For most users, filtering is not needed, and in such cases, the corresponding configuration variables should not be used. At any time Life360 could disable that token or otherwise change its REST API such that this integration would no longer work. ), Name of Life360 Place where the device is located, or, “Raw” speed value provided by Life360 server. E.g., you would see something like this: It is not uncommon for communication errors to occur between Home Assistant and the Life360 server. Device Tracker Any of the advanced options you want to set from the section below will need to be set manually in your configuration.yaml file. From the list, search and select “Life360”. The minimum speed at which the device is considered to be “driving” (which can also set the driving attribute to true.) After completing, the Life360 integration will be immediately available for use. Add Integration button. Even when Apple’s own Find Friend’s app can’t get a lock on a family member’s location I can pull up Life360 and see not only where they are but how long they have been there. Note: This is "take 2." The original proposal can be found in #23405. NOTE: Home Assistant version 0.92.0 or later requires version 2.9.4 or later of this custom component! A set of input booleans (Andy home, Anya home, Both home) Correct coordinates set up to illustrate home (I created “home” both in life360 and I already had this in home-assistant – make sure you’re coordinates are accurate via Google maps . (RxSwift). From the list, search and select “Life360”. We’re excited to collaborate with Life360, giving families a seamless way to stay connected through a simple, voice-forward experience,” said Brad Abrams, Group Product Manager, Google Assistant. You can also enter your account information in the configuration file (in addition to, or instead of, the UI) if you prefer. Must specify include or exclude, but not both. You've been linked to the page that will start setting up a new integration. You could directly update the state of the sensor using the Home Assistant API, but I wanted to use scripts in case I wanted to reuse the update logic in Home Assistant. I simply want to be able to know reliably when someone is at home or if we are all away. To get started add the following lines to your configuration.yaml (example for Netgear): Click the plus button, you can now link a person to a user if they have a login to home assistant. circles can limit which Life360 Circles are used. Notifications firing that you are home when you are not. Normally Home Assistant device trackers are “Home” when they enter zone.home. Since then I received some questions about the process and replied with the following updated guide. As convenient as it is it has some inherent problems. Add that I have never had a false notification on top of that, and it appears to be a pretty solid solution. So I started using Life360 and man, what a difference. Log out of Life360 and turn off the device for at least two minutes to refresh it A VPN will interfere with accuracy - do not use a VPN with Life360 Vehicles with Wifi Hotspot - using this will prevent accurate location and drive details from being collected by the app … The only downside is there is not native connection to Home Assistant. This can happen for many reasons, including Internet connection issues, Life360 server load, etc. If specified, and the reported GPS accuracy is larger (i.e., less accurate), then update is ignored. However, in some circumstances, it might be helpful to limit which Life360 Circles and/or Members are used. You sign up with your email and a password. Posted by 1 day ago [Help] Using Life360 to turn on lights at night. Your phone may not respond to pings if it is sleeping and sometimes people turn off wireless on their phone. Automate. For these cases circles and/or members can be used. I decided to take the plunge, and removed one of my Raspberry Pi 4, 4GB, Kubernetes nodes from the cluster to act as a dedicated Home Assistant Server. In the sidebar click on Configuration. Description of problem: Device trackers are giving states like home & not_home HA frontend/lovelace is showing this as : Home & Away (capitalized) Also zones: created in HA are capitalized in HA Frontend/lovelace. When the number reaches warning_threshold (but does not exceed error_threshold, and only if warning_threshold is defined), it will be logged as a WARNING. See Installing and Updating to use Custom Updater. This integration is based on reverse engineering that has been done by the open source community, and an API token that was somehow discovered by the same community. So I chose a different path. The app is free and the setup is simple. So far moving to Life360 as the primary presence tracker for the house appears to have made a big impact on reliability front. Now the Life360 platform also provides states like driving / moving , see config below ), Date and time when Life360 last updated device location (in UTC. I really just needed one. I haven’t dug into why Life360 seems to be so good at location services while not being a drain on my phone’s battery, but I am impressed. In my case this was: Now you just have to repeat the steps but set it up to trigger when the last person leaves a specific place. After configuring, it is expected for the Life360 integration page to show “This integration has no devices”. If the link didn't work, make sure your instance URL below is correct and check our troubleshooting steps. See Communication Errors for a detailed description. To use no prefix, specify ''. [Help] Using Life360 to turn on lights at night. The device tracker allows you to track devices in Home Assistant. To find your family with Google Assistant, you need: Now in your developer tool you will find the entity. This is because I use my phone as my presence tracker. Integrando Life360 con Home Assistant, Lo primero de todo, antes de empezar, debes tener instalada la app de Life360 en tu dispositivo móvil para poder traquear tu posición GPS, al igual que en los dispositivos de tu familia o vaya, de quien quieras unir a tu mapa. The life360 integration allows you to detect presence using the unofficial API of Life360. Device ID prefix. Entity IDs will be in the form of device_tracker.PREFIX_FIRST_LAST, or device_tracker.PREFIX_NAME if the Member has only one name. Follow the instruction on screen to complete the set up. You should see a new Life360 device tracker entity showing up on the States page. To learn more, visit Google's page. Add a device tracker to be linked to the person. I am working on getting away from smartthings completely and don’t really care about battery or actual locations for this particular use case. If it does not: See Filtering for a detailed description. The ones I was interested in were: I chose “First family member arrives at a specific place” and then was asked to chose which location: I clicked “Create trigger” and then was taken back to my formula: I clicked “that”, and this time I chose Webhooks as the service I wanted to use. I can still leverage the phones for more specific notifications that I don’t rely on. Home Assistant is free and open-source home automation software designed to be the central ... making Home Assistant more user-friendly to new and less advanced home automation users, with most features being available from the GUI. Support for these integrations is provided by the Home Assistant community. Tell me if you have heard this one before. See Zone documentation for details about how Home Assistant zones are defined. interface, by taking the following steps: From the configuration menu select: Integrations. For a particular Member to be tracked, they must be included (or at least not excluded), and must be in at least one of the included Circles. members can limit which Life360 Members will be tracked. Description: Life360 integration. And since in this setup I am using scripts to handle my updates the service I wanted to use was script/turn_on: After your address you need to configure the method (POST in this case) and the Content Type “application/json”: Then we need the details of our script that we are calling. In the bottom right, click on the @ChimoC from Telegram’s home automation groups, reports a small bug with the integration of OwnTracks. Home Assistant doesn’t seem to know where you are when you use your phone as your presence tracker. Home Assistant allows you to control all your devices without storing any of your data in the cloud. 1 APP LIFE 3602 INSTALLAZIONE COMPONENT SU HOME ASSISTANT3 SENSORE BATTERIA DEL CELLULARE AGGIORNAMENTO: dalla versione 0.95 di Home Assistant, Life360 è stato integrato nativamente quindi non necessita più di custom component e di dichiarazione su file configuration.yaml la guida aggiornata la trovate a questo link Questo è un Traker basato sulla posizione GPS… Leggi tutto Life360 has both a free and a premium plan. In my testing the various device trackers, Life360 continually notifies me that I have left a zone, or entered a zone faster than iCloud, Owntracks, or even nmap. Life360 has both a free and a premium plan. The full names of all Life360 Circles & Members will be logged. For some reason since the last update (1.5.0), device_tracker entities were not updated quickly. Like the phone sleeping or the need for wifi to be on. See example configuration below. It looks like you came back to this page after you clicked the link. A Home Assistant instance publicly accessible on the internet (with ssl and api password of course), and Life360. If you’re not sure what a Member’s full name (i.e., first and last) is in Life360, ask them. The details are over on the home assistant forum. You can use these events in automations to be notified when they occur. Then, under My Applets, chose New Applet: I clicked “this”, chose Life360, and was presented with a choice of triggers. I created two scripts. I don’t know how/where Life360 stores my location data, so I’d rather not share the data to third parties if possible. and it's used by, Date and time when first at current location (in UTC. And you are all set to enjoy your new found presence in Home Assistant. One for when family is home: After I had the sensor and knew how I would update them it was time to move to IFTTT and connect the Life360 service to my account. Since I chose to use MQTT to store the value of this sensor I set up the sensor like this: Next I needed a way to change the sensor value. If you use a third-party provider app, their policy applies. Life360 is primarily about knowing where your family or friends are at any given moment: whether the kids are home from school, how much longer it will take your partner to get to work, which meeting point your friends have decided on for a night out, and so on. Set up advanced rules to control devices and bring your home … And while I don’t have a big need for presence, it sure makes home automation more powerful when your system knows if you are home or not. Once the app is installed and they are included in your family you are good to go. Note that Life360’s app and website typically only show Members’ first names. Soon after I wrote this I removed it and never updated the article. 0. And that makes Home Assistant way more powerful. If you want to go this route you only ned two things. See example automations below. Both can be gotten for free. Open page in your Home Assistant? Hector Herrero / Blog / coordinates, geolocation, Geo, GPS, Hassio, Home Assistant, Life360, Map, position, Trackear / 27 The November the 2019 In this post we can see another wonderful integrations we can do with Home Assistant, as geographic location can have our family simplest way. If you’d like to create Home Assistant zones from Life360 Places (e.g., to make Home Assistant’s zone.home be identical to Life360’s “Home Place”), make sure logger is set to debug. However, in most cases, they are temporary and do not significantly affect the ability to keep device_tracker entities up to date. You also have the MQTT option if you have a dedicated server. Close. Home Assistant is free and open-source home automation software designed to be the central ... making Home Assistant more user-friendly to new and less advanced home automation users, with most features being available from the GUI. Once the number reaches error_threshold, it will be logged as an ERROR. A Home Assistant instance publicly accessible on the internet (with ssl and api password of course), and Life360. Both can be gotten for free. How to use HMS ML Kit — Document Skew Correction Feature ? Installation. You can just add the presence sensors to the bridge and send that data to mqtt. Two thresholds are defined: warning_threshold and error_threshold. In the bottom right, click on the Add Integration button. You may want to do this before entering your Life360 account information in the UI, or you can change it at any time. Alternatively, you can set the logger to debug and look in home-assistant.log. To download the Life360 app, visit the iOS App Store or Android Play Store. Adding Life360 to your Home Assistant instance can be done via the user In a previous version of this article I used HTTP To MQTT running on my Home Assistant box to act as a middle man in this process for what was probably a “good” reason at the time, but the truth was that was just added complexity. Before moving to Home Assistant as my main home automation hub, I relied on Smartthings. We like to keep your privacy private. We have all been there. It does require a phone number, so this isn’t something you can use on a tablet or ipod, it has to be a phone. I setup my home location in Life360, and added my family members to it. Even in Smartthings presence tracking was iffy. Popular Blueprints. When using Webhooks as your second service you should only have one option: Click “Make a web request”, and now it’s time to start building the request. Life360.